Atlantic Crossing: A Robot's Daring Mission is the story of a passionate team of scientists led by world-renowned oceanographer Scott Glenn, who make history by successfully navigating the first autonomous underwater robot across the Atlantic Ocean.
The project was produced from Rutgers University, spearheading what is now the Rutgers Center for Digital Filmmaking.
As an Associate Producer on the project, I helped coordinate shoots in multiple international locations occurring simultaneously over the 9 months of following the story and as an assistant editor, I was tasked with logging 400+ hours of footage with the team, implementing a system to track the tapes, and building assemblies of scenes.

Director, Producer, Editor: Dena Seidel
Executive Producers: Richard Ludescher, Scott Glenn
Associate Producers & Assistant Editors: Pilar Timpane, Chantal Eyong, Stephen Beeston, Lizette Gesuden
Original Score: Justin LaDeau

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